Our commitment

At The Cat Practice, we treat each cat as an individual and work closely with cat families to make sure they have all the information they need to make informed decisions about their feline’s care.

Our Commitment to Cats and their People:

  • Spot health conditions early to avoid more costly care later.

  • Treat the whole patient looking out for physical and emotional wellbeing.

  • Respect each cat as an individual with his/her own distinct personality and heredity.

  • Avoid surgery at all cost. (The exception: all cats should be spayed
    or neutered!)

  • Provide alternatives for care whenever possible.

  • Partner with cat families through knowledge sharing.

  • Make oral hygiene and preventive dental care a priority.

A veterinary nurse / licensed veterinary technician at The Cat Practice performs a dental cleaning under anesthesia.  More than 70% of cats get dental disease by age 3.

A veterinary nurse at The Cat Practice performs a dental cleaning under anesthesia. More than 70% of cats get dental disease by age 3.

In the Community

The Cat Practice is also active in the community to help advance understanding and care of felines around the Detroit metro area. We do this by:

  • Alerting the community to hazards and developments that could impact the health and well-being of cats.

  • Sharing information about cat welfare and treatment through community outreach.

  • Participating in local efforts and working with shelters to find homes for homeless cats.

  • Supporting the needs of local rescue groups when it’s practical and feasible to the hospital.

  • Becoming a resource to other cat care providers with information and knowledge that will help them better detect and care for cat illnesses and diseases. These include:

    • Other veterinarians (particularly those in emergency services)

    • Specialty hospital veterinarians

    • Rescue groups

    • Animal shelters

    • Select breeders / breed organizations